The body and technology



As further generations of humans are born into an era of industrialization, something they have no understanding of living without, the human body becomes more attuned to the use of technology and the expression or extension of self through this technology.
The ways in which technology starts to effect our experience is apparent, from the use of a microwave to make dinner to the fantasmological playing out of safe forms of drama in evening television, technology has become the operative employee of most of the roles humans, at one time had to combat by hand.
We now have more active social lives as a series of data streams than in terms of real human to human interaction. There is more drama and chaos imbued into many  conversations on social media sites than a person will literally see in months of their physical life.
This close knit reliance that has developed over the past 50 years, has meant that the very nature of human expression has changed and with this transmogrification, a new language using emoticon and device has developed.



Author: interactivewearabletechnology

Designer, Producer, Photographer and Visual Artist interested in expanding forms of expression and observing the phenomenons of the outcome.

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